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You are at the blog where you'll find some everyday positive inspirations along with useful tools and techniques. The Law of Attraction is described in countless books and movies. Our team loves to practice visualization, meditation and cosmic energy techniques. And we’ll be more than happy to share the most interesting thoughts and techniques with our friends. There is nothing supernatural! And you’ll see how easy they are to apply to your life. We all are still learning and sharing what’s new.

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How to release the weight of problems and get more energy for your goals

Manifesting with the principals of the Law of Attraction is basically impossible without a sufficient level of energy. As a rule, most of the energy of a person is being wasted to a number of unrealized plans. They are just burdening us.
 Here's how to get a sigh of relief.

Goals usually activate the energy of our intentions, but only under the condition that they are being implemented and not hanging as unfinished projects. You have to either throw some potential intentions away, or start implementing them. Release yourself and give yourself more freedom. Make a list of the restrictions that oppress you and take this weight from your shoulders. This simple decision will immediately unleash your reserves of the intentions energy that will allow you to move forward.

Many of us go through our lives carrying all sorts of weights of all possible duties, pending projects, strict conditions, numerous plans and goals. Please analyze, what oppresses you. After some thinking about it you can give up many of those weights without any regret. What's the point if you constantly carry them and can’t implement anything?

For example:
  • I should certainly be better than everyone
  • I will prove to everyone and myself what I’m worth 
  • I need only to win, otherwise I’ll have no self-respect 
  • I do not have the right for any mistake
  • And so on… like quit smoking, learn a foreign language and, in general, to start a new life from next Monday. Everything that we’re constantly postponing until later is a useless cargo. It must either be implemented or thrown out, because it takes away the energy which just being  wasted in vain. And at least it’s just silly.
Or maybe there is some kind of a tremendous weight… And for a long time you have been secretly thinking to get rid of it, but can’t take a real action… Imagine what ease you’ll feel after it’s been reset ...

You should start living with the idea that you’ll get everything you intend to have, if you’re convinced that it's all yours without any conditions or reservations. Your choice is the law to be unconditional executed. Freedom of choice is the determination to have and is generated by the energy of your intention. 
When the excess potentials of the importance are taking considerable amount of your energy, your intention will have no power. In order to reset the importance of things you need to act consciously and realize to what you give the excessive importance, and what do you get as a result.

The energy of the excess potentials can be dissipated by action. Keep your mind busy with visualizing your “target slide” and calmly make steps  to the direction of your goals. This is the only action needed.

Here are some simple advice I love: 

How not to be afraid of? - Find an insurance and always have a fallback.
How not to worry? – Just act. Potentials of the anxiety and worry are scattered by action.
How not to wait and stop desiring? - Accept the possibility of defeat and act. Dissolve the desire and expectation in actions.
How to abandon the self significance? – Let yourself take it as granted and abandon any actions aimed at increasing your significance.
How not to get annoyed? - Play with circumstances and break the rules of the game. When you start responding inadequately you change the reflection in the mirror of your reality.
How to get rid of the guilt? - Stop making excuses.
How to cope with an offence and a resentment? – Just stop fighting and go with the flow of options you meet on your way.
What if it’s impossible to cope with an offence and a resentment? - Just afford yourself this weakness. Don’t force yourself to always  be the winner.
How not to bend under the weight of problems? – Coordinate your intentions and keep focused on your goals. Don’t let the reflection of the mirror affect you, but keep changing your inner attitude.

So, instead of fighting with your excess potentials you need to act according to your pure intentions . The intention is being purified in the process of action.

Love. Play. Live!